
Procedures in the case of heavy snow...
Procedures In Case of Heavy Snow...
As the weather gets colder, it is a good idea for us to remind parents and inform new parents about our procedures in adverse weather. We always endeavour to open the school during bad weather but this can be challenging when we have heavy snow. Please take note of the following procedures for if we wake up to a significant amount of the dreaded white stuff – thank you!
Please DO NOT phone the school office to find out if we are open. Office staff will be making outgoing calls to staff members and trying to send out PMX emails to parents. We do not want to tie up the line or delay the emails being sent if we are answering phone calls.
If it is decided the school will have to be closed, a message will be posted on the school website, by 8.00am at the latest. The decision will take into account local road conditions, safety on site, whether staff are able to drive in and also the forecast for the rest of the day. A PMX email or text will also be sent to parents. Please note, that in the case of less snow, it might be that we will be able to open slightly later than the normal time, if we can get the site ready and teachers are able to drive in. Please bear this in mind.
If we remain closed, class teachers will post work in your child’s class sections on the school website. Whilst no doubt everyone will have some fun in the snow, it is important to keep up the momentum with school work so please do encourage your child to have a go at the work set.
It is important for parents to please keep checking the website as often we will post a message asking for some help to clear paths so we can get the school ready for opening. Parental help is key with this task as we have just a small number of staff who live locally and we have a big site to make safe. As the saying goes – many hands make light work. Thank you in advance for your assistance.