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Kingfisher (Year 2)

Good morning

School closure - home learning for today, linked to our current learning in class.

Maths – This is a 2-digit add 2-digit activity. We have been using base 10 equipment and drawing the representations to help us. See the example on the sheet.

Handwriting – please practise that lovely new cursive writing we have been working on. 2-3 times for each word please!

English – We have been writing similes in class, using “like” and “as ___ as”. There is a video on the website with the task worked into it, explaining similes and describing food using them. Please write at least 1 “like” sentence and 1 “as” sentence comparing foods to other things e.g. The icing on the cake was as white as snow. The bread was fluffy like a pillow.

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Computing – As you might all have access to a digital camera device, please practise taking photos thinking about the 3 steps we have looked at. Photographers don’t always get it right the first time. Explain that there are steps that can help:

·        Positioning: Is it obvious what the main subject of the photograph is?

·        Framing: How well is the subject matter framed? Is landscape or portrait best?

·        Detail: Are you close enough that you can see the detail? But not so close that it is blurry!

I’d love to see some of your pictures if you want to email them to me!

Also, please practise your lines for Hey Ewe!