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Meet the Governors

It is the responsibility of the Local Governing Committee (LGC) to raise standards at the school, to work strategically as part of the leadership team and to act as a critical friend to the staff.  They are accountable to parents and the local community as well as to government via Ofsted inspections and report to the Tandridge Learning Trust.

The LGC is made up of people from all walks of life, and we are grateful for the skills and expertise they bring to the task of being a ‘critical friend’ to the school. Governors work with the school to formulate strategic plans and policies for the short, medium and long term future of the school. It is our task to monitor the implementation of these plans and policies to ensure that the whole school community is safe, healthy, happy and reaching their full potential. We are currently made up of:

  • Headteacher
  • Two Parent Governors
  • One Staff Governor
  • Five Community (Trust) Governors

Each term, Governors visit the school to monitor the implementation and impact of the School Improvement Plan. Governors carry out this duty by linking with a specific year group each year. Governors visit classrooms, speak to pupils, read with pupils, look at examples of work, classroom and displays and check safety procedures. Governors meet class teachers to discuss the curriculum, wellbeing and other specific areas of focus on the School Improvement Plan.  Governors also have link roles with specific areas of leadership wtihin the school.  This includes safeguarding, SEND, Pupil Premium and Helath and Safety.  

Governors are also involved in monitoring the value for money delivered by the school using the Pupil Premium money to ensure that it is being used to deliver better outcomes for our more disadvantaged children. The same applies to our Sports Premium money received from the government. Governors observe initiatives in operation and speak to children and staff about their involvement, including how the impact of these initiatives are measured.

Governors are involved in looking at data for the progress and outcomes of children across the school and comparing it to national figures and for those from similar schools. Governors can then hold school leaders to account for the impact both teaching and whole school initiatives are having on the outcomes for our children.

The Local Governing Committee of our School is made up of 9 people and a Clerk as follows:



Term of office ends


Rachel Jewitt


Chair of Governors

Jill Hancock

10 March 2027

Staff Governor

Louise Knock

25 September 2028

Parent Governor

Ruth Taylor

25th March 2027

Parent Governor

Jenny Bradshaw 

25th March 2027

Trust Appointed Governor

Geraldine Mash

19th November 2027

Trust Appointed Governor

Harry Bright

15 June 2025

Trust Appointed Governor



Trust Appointed Governor

Jessie Eales-White

16 November 2025

Trust Appointed Governor Laura King 13th January 2025

Clerk to Governors

Vivienne Trickey 


LGC Meeting Dates 2024-2025

  • 30th September 2024
  • 18th November 2024
  • 13th January 2025
  • 10th March 2025
  • 19th May 2025
  • 7th July 2025

Governor Responsibilities

  • Safeguarding/Child Protection/Children in Care/Young Carers: Jill Hancock
  • Pupil Premium: Jenny Bradshaw
  • Special Educational Needs and Early Years: Jessie Eales-White
  • Health & Safety: Harry Bright and Jill Hancock
  • Liaison with LA in the event of an allegation against the Headteacher: Jill Hancock

Governing Body Members Declaration of Interests and Meeting Attendance