Robin (Year 1)
Robins home learning - Thursday 28th November 2024
Good Morning,
Please find attached a selection of work for the children to complete over the day.
Phonics – Complete the phonics activity booklet.
Phonics activity
English – Listen to the video and have a go at writing sentences linked to the pictures.
English - writing
Maths - Use the number line to help you solve these calculations. There are also activities available on Mathseeds.
Movement – Go onto You Tube (remember online safety rules) and keep yourself active by doing Cosmic kids, Jo Wicks or Koo Koo Kangaroo.
Science – Complete the activities related to our current learning.
Science 28.11.24
Do also use this time for reading and completing homework.
Please see the links for the drop-in sessions via teams at 11.00am and 1.00pm if you have any questions.